Holistic Body Therapies
Whether your goal is healing, detoxification, exfoliation or aesthetic restoration, our team at Step by Step embraces a whole-body, holistic approach to your wellness. We offer a wide range of treatments to relax and rejuvenate your mind and body.
Get Ready to Take on the World!
We get it—putting your body in someone else’s hands is a big deal. That’s why, from the moment you walk in, our team makes you feel like family. Step by Step is all about friendly faces and a relaxed, family atmosphere. Here, you can let go and trust the process while we work on your body therapy goals.
Not everyone knows what technologies they need. So, we provide a free consultation where we assess your body composition and goals. Then, we will help you choose a plan detailing which devices and treatments will give you the best results in the shortest time.
Transform your health, Step by Step
Explore our Body Therapy Services

Ionic Cleanse Foot Bath
Even with the best efforts to stay hygienic and live a healthy life, our bodies absorb harmful toxins into our cells daily: air pollution, food additives, fertilizers, growth hormones in foods, contaminants in water, etc. These toxins attach themselves to fat cells and will accumulate and attach to vital organs if not removed. At this point, the toxins have the potential to overwhelm the body’s internal mechanisms to cleanse itself and play a critical role in our long-term emotional, mental, and physical health.
Detoxifying your body with the ionic cleanse footbath can have many benefits including:
• A stronger immune system
• Reduction of inflammation
• Increased energy and focus
• Less fluid retention
• Better skin health
• Improved circulation
• Improved nutrient absorption
• A more balanced pH
• Fewer headaches and migraines
• Chronic disease prevention
• Acute and chronic pain reduction

Infrared Body Wrap
Infrared body wrap is a natural therapeutic treatment that operates by using the heat that corresponds to the organ’s radiant energy. The waves of energy emitted enter deep into the layers and gently increase the molecular vibration. Constant molecular vibration raises the skin surface temperature, encourages blood circulation, enlarges blood vessels, and triggers metabolism in cells and tissues. Activation of these bodily functions provides various therapeutic and regenerative properties. Though subcutaneous fat is soft and easy to get rid of, cellulite is like hard muscle that becomes harder due to restricted blood circulation. The purpose of those is to apply heat deep into the skin and target fat tissue. This heat raises metabolism and brings blood back to the areas where fat tissue lies, breaking fat tissues and releasing it into the bloodstream in the form of calories to be used as energy.

Ultrasonic Cavitation
Ultrasonic Cavitation is widely recognized as one of the most effective cellulite reduction and local fat loss technologies available today. The Ultrasonic Cavitation technology is not a miracle treatment, but if you suffer from cellulite or you want a non-surgical solution for local fat deposit reduction, it is one of the best single technologies you can possibly use to fight those skin problems.
The ultrasonic cavitation treatment will often yield immediate results which you can feel, touch and see and it can be long lasting. Some clients can experience between 1 to 5 cm. of circumference reduction after a single session with increasing results after subsequent visits. However, more significant results will be noticed after the second and third treatment. It is vital to maintain a low-calorie balanced diet and to perform physical exercise after completing the cavitation procedure.

Radio Frequency Body Contouring
Radio Frequency Body Contouring heats the skin to over 104 degrees which safely and comfortably minimizes the appearance of cellulite dimpling and fatty bulges, while simultaneously tightening the skin and improving the contours of the target area(s). At the deepest level, the RF alters the network of connective tissues that hold the fat cells in place, pulling them closer together so that the cellulite does not bulge out and create the well-known rippling we associate with cellulite. RF also targets the fat cells themselves, causing them to shrink in size, which has the affect of slimming down the target area.
Finally, RF energizes the body’s own natural responses by stimulating the lymphatic system to aid in the drainage of unwanted toxins and encouraging the body’s natural production of collagen and elastin to reduce skin laxity, strengthen the skin, and improve the physique of the target area.

The Avazzia is a non-invasive micro-current system that communicates with the peripheral nervous system allowing the patient to experience faster and longer pain relief with deeper penetration.
FDA cleared to treat chronic and acute pain associated with the following conditions:
Sciatica • Rheumatoid Arthritis • Stomach ache • Chronic fatigue • Neuropathy • Fibromyalgia • Clears pain associated with scars.

Beauty Therapy
Transform your health, Step by Step
Body Therapy Treatments
Prices shown are for patients paying at time of service only. When using insurance, prices are subject to change.
Scheduled ionic foot bath as a stand-alone treatment with 30 minutes of care.
Scheduled ionic foot bath as an add-on to any other treatment with 30 minutes of care.
Scheduled appointment of ultrasonic cavitation - cellulite reduction therapy for 65 minutes of care.
Scheduled appointment of ultrasonic cavitation - cellulite reduction therapy for 65 minutes of care.
Scheduled Infrared body wrap therapy for 60 min of care.
Custom package of multiple therapies to treat your body to improved wellness and esthetics.